
Grandmothers marching.jpg

Who We Are

Stephen Lewis Foundation

The Stephen Lewis Foundation (SLF) founded in 2003 funds more than 125 community-based organizations in 15 countries in sub-Saharan Africa that have been hardest hit by the HIV and AIDS pandemic.

Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign

Launched in 2006 by the Stephen Lewis Foundation, the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign was a Canadian grassroots response to the emerging crisis faced by African grandmothers as they struggled to care for millions of children orphaned by AIDS. African grandmothers became parents anew in the midst of the HIV and AIDS pandemic

Visit the website of the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign

Individual Grandmother Groups

What began with only a few groups of committed Canadian grandmothers has since evolved into a dynamic, international and responsive movement, made up of thousands of grandmothers and grandothers belonging to grandmothers groups across Canada … and beyond! New groups have now formed in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

More than twenty years later, these grandmothers and grandothers are more committed than ever to three shared goals: raise awareness, build solidarity, and mobilize funds for community-based organizations. The Campaign supports these organizations that have developed programs—with and for grandmothers—to transform lives and restore hope and health to their communities. Since 2006, more than $33 million has been raised in support of African grandmothers.

Community Based Projects Include

  • counselling and education about AIDS prevention      

  • care and treatment and medication

  • distribution of food

  • assistance for the sick and vulnerable through home-based health care

  • helping orphans and vulnerable children access education and work

  • engage in income generating projects

  • help to become small business owners

  • providing support for grandmothers caring for their orphaned grandchildren

  • grief counselling

  • assistance setting up support groups

The Grandmothers movement is also about ensuring African grandmothers have the time, space and training to network and mobilize to demand systemic change in their communities and countries for themselves. 

Building their movement and claiming their rights

National-level Grandmothers Gatherings in Uganda (2015), South Africa (2016) and Tanzania (2018) have acted as a springboard for African grandmothers’ movement-building within their countries. And since each Gathering, grandmothers and the community-based organizations (CBOs) that support them have built on the momentum generated during these Gatherings.

African Grandmothers are now recognized as community experts and agents of change. They have become activists and advocates pushing for their rights and protection as well as those of their grandchildren. They share their expertise in their communities and on the international stage, pressing for their human rights and a hopeful future.



What We Do


We build awareness through holding educational events with guest speakers and field staff from the Stephen Lewis Foundation.

As members and supporters of the Grandmothers Campaign we stand in solidarity with the women of sub-Saharan Africa who are at the heart of the response to AIDS

To raise funds we have held a variety of creative events including:

  • Author & Book evenings

  • African dinners

  • Fashion show

  • Jazz concerts

  • Children's entertainment events

  • Kazuri jewelry sales and other African crafts at Holiday Craft Sales and marketplaces

  • Afternoon tea and vintage sale

  • Participation in the annual GTA walkathon, the Stride Walk

  • Yoga and Dance events

  • Educational music concerts such as a presentation by Dr Mike Daley.

80 % of funds raised for the Grandmothers Campaign are sent directly through the SLF to community based organizations in Africa.

If you are interested in attending one of our programs or joining our group please contact us at:


Solidarity Quilt has arrived

Some members of GPWA attend Solidarity quilt arrival on May 24, 2023