Handmade African Art

Treasure Trove from Southern Africa

To purchase an item, please quote number or description please e-mail Linda Newstead

Please note: fragile items and baskets cannot be shipped. Local delivery or pick up only.

Profits from our sales go to the Stephen Lewis Foundation Grandmothers Campaign with a portion going to local community groups.

To view our selection of beautiful Scarves and Purses Click Here

To view our selection of Yoga Mat Bags & Housewares Click Here

To view our Collection of Hand Woven Baskets Click Here


Vintage Beaded Necklaces from Zululand

Priced individually, taxes included

Click on an image to get a larger view. To return to the full gallery click on the X in the top right hand corner of the page.

Hand painted birds ( limited quantities)

Click on an image to get a larger view. To return to the full gallery click on the X in the top right hand corner of the page.

Animal Candles

$15.00 - $20.00 taxes included

Click on an image to get a larger view. To return to the full gallery click on the X in the top right hand corner of the page.